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杨宝贵 教授

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:58    点击次数:137

杨宝贵,男,汉族,中共党员,江苏大丰人,1967年9月出生,中国矿业大学(北京)能源与矿业学院资源工程系教师,教授,博导,煤炭行业放顶煤开采工程研究中心成员。主要从事煤矿开采、矿山压力与岩层控制等领域的理论与技术研究工作。国家重点研发计划课题《千米深井超长工作面覆岩结构演化及智能开采模式》负责人,作为课题骨干参加了国家科技支撑计划课题《采空区矸石、粉煤灰充填综合机械化采煤技术研究》,完成纵向及横向科研项目20多项。获得省部级科技进步一等奖5项、二等奖3项,煤炭行业教学成果特等奖1项。获国家发明专利2项,出版学术著作3部,在《煤炭学报》、《北京科技大学学报》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文60余篇。 ShortResume of ProfessorBaoguiYang Bornin 1967,Jiangsu, China,B.G.Yang.Heservesastheprofessor attheSchool of Energy and Mining Engineeringaffiliated toChina University of Mining and Technology (Beijing).Healso serves as the member of Top-coal Caving Technology Center of theUniversity. Yangfocuses his main interests on the theoretical andappliedresearch on the Coal Mining and Coal Mine Ground Control.Heis responsible for the National Key R&D Program “Overburden Structure Evolution and Intelligent Mining Model of Extra-long Working Face in Deep Mine” and joins the National Science and Technology Support Program “Study onCemented Coal Gangue-Fly AshBackfilling Comprehensive Mechanized Technology” as the major researcher.Yanghas chair over 20 research projects on the national-level and university -level. Yanghasreceived scientific and educational awardsfor5 First Class Prize and3Second Class Prize of the provincial or ministerial level Science and Technology Progress Awards, 1 Grand Prize of educational mining industry.Yanghaswon 2 National Invention patents (China),authored 3 booksandcompletedover60refereed paperson the key journalsincludingthe《Journal of China Coal Society》,《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》. (1)YangBG, YangJ,Yu Y, etc.Study on proportioning test of a new cementing filling material and hydration mechanism.Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2017,2(05),475–481 (2)YangBG,Du XL, Dang P, etc.The cemented filling technology using special filling roadway in gob.The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015,20(8),2087–2095 (3)YangBG,Li YL, Dang P, etc.Influence of fly ash on performance of high concentration cemented backfill material in coal mine.Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015,7(2),351–356 (4)YangBG,Li YL, Yang RS. Overlying strata movement laws of thick coal seams backfill mining with high-concentration cementing materials.The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015,20(3),1143–1156 (5)YangBG,Yang PF, Peng YH, etc.Research on high concentration cemented filling materials in coal mine.Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(12),854–859 (6)YangBG,Han YM, Yang PF, etc. Research onratio ofhighconcentrationcementationstowingmaterials incoalmine.Coal Science and Technology,2014,42(01),30–33 (7)YangBG,Wang JT, Li YL, etc.Backfillcoalminingtechnology withhighconcentratedcementingmaterial inundergroundmine.Coal Science and Technology,2014,41(08), 22–26 (8)YangBG,Cui XM, Sun HH, etc.The feasibility research of mining damage controlling by goaf cement backfill in coal mines.Journal of China Coal Society2000,25(04), 361–365 (9)YangBG,Sun HH.Creepproperty ofsolidifyingbackfillbody ofhigh-watermaterial.Journal of China University of Mining & Technology,1999(02),140–143 (10)YangBG,Sun HH, Liu HS, etc. Reinforcement’s effects to the backfill body of high water material.Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 1999, 21(05), 421–424 Contact: BaoguiYang Ph.D,Professor School of Energy and Mining Engineering China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China Tel: +86-10-62339041 Email:[email protected]


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