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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:29    点击次数:131

北京时间7月27日凌晨1时30分,第33届夏季奥运会就要在法国巴黎的塞纳河畔开幕了,这是奥运百余年历史上,第一次在体育场之外举办开幕式。据外媒报道,巴黎奥运会在正式开幕前不会有完整彩排,真是松弛感+神秘感拉满。不过英大还是从各大外媒的报道中挖到了很多细节,一起跟着沪江英语的“双语热点”栏目抢先看吧:NEWS首次场外开幕式,代表团乘船巡游Instead of a traditional march into a stadium, about 6,800 athletes will parade on more than 90 boats onthe Seine Riverfor 6 kilometers (3.7 miles).大约6800名运动员,不再以传统的方式步行进入体育场,他们将乘坐90多艘船在塞纳河上进行6公里(3.7英里)的巡游。Each national delegation will ride in a boat equipped with cameras that enable immersive access for viewers.每个国家代表团都将乘坐一艘配备摄像头的船只,为观众带来沉浸式的观看体验。The parade starts at the Austerlitz Bridge beside the Jardin des Plantes and follows the course of the Seine from east to west. It makes its way around two islands in the center of the city before passing under several bridges and gateways.巡游队伍将从植物园旁的奥斯特里茨桥出发,沿着塞纳河从东向西前进。船队将绕过城市中心的两个岛屿,并经过多座桥梁和城门。Athletes aboard the boats will get glimpses of severalOlympic venuesincluding La Concorde Urban Park (3X3 basketball,breaking, BMX freestyle cycling, skateboarding), Invalides (archery, athletics — marathon finish, road cycling — time trial start) and the Grand Palais (fencing, taekwondo).船上的运动员沿途将看到多个奥运场馆,包括协和广场城市公园(3X3篮球、霹雳舞、BMX自由式自行车、滑板)、荣军院(射箭、田径——马拉松终点、公路自行车——计时赛起点)和大皇宫(击剑、跆拳道)。The parade ends at the Iena Bridge, which linksthe Eiffel Toweron the left bank of the Seine to the Trocadéro district on the right bank.游行结束于伊纳桥,这座桥连接着塞纳河左岸的埃菲尔铁塔和右岸的特罗卡德罗地区。The ceremony’s finale is at the Trocadéro. There, among other ceremonial procedures, French President Emmanuel Macron will deliver opening remarks.仪式将在特罗卡德罗广场结束。在那里,法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙将发表开幕致辞,以及进行其他仪式环节。NEWS席琳迪翁患病后的首次登台演出In addition to the athletes who will participate in the parade, 3,000 dancers, artists and other athletes will be featured in the opening and closing ceremonies.除了参加游行的运动员外,还有3000名舞蹈演员、艺术家和其他运动员将出现在开幕式和闭幕式上。Celine Dion will be teaming up with Lady Gaga to perform Édith Piaf’s classic "La Vie en Rose" at the Olympics' opening ceremony in Paris Friday ... TMZ has confirmed.据TMZ报道,席琳·迪翁和Lady Gaga将在本周五巴黎奥运会开幕式上携手演绎伊迪丝·琵雅芙的不朽名曲《玫瑰人生》。But, it'll be worth it ... 'cause it'll mark Celine’s first performance since she revealed her Stiff-Person Syndrome diagnosis in 2022 -- and we've learned she's feeling just fine days ahead of the big moment.不过,这一切都是值得的。因为这将是席琳·迪翁自2022年透露患有僵人综合征以来首次登台表演,而我们了解到,距离演出几天前,她感觉非常好。However, it would not be Dion's first time performing at the Olympics. Dion performed at the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 where she sang "The Power of the Dream."不过,这并不是席琳·迪翁第一次在奥运会上表演。1996年,她在亚特兰大奥运会上演唱了《梦想的力量》。NEWS大多数观众将免费观看开幕式About 220,000 invited and security-screenedspectatorsare expected to fill the upper tiers of the Seine’s banks, and an additional 104,000 paying spectators will watch from the lower riverside and around the Trocadéro plaza.预计约有22万名经过安检的受邀观众将在塞纳河上游河岸观看巡游,另外还有10.4万名购票观众将在下游和特罗卡德罗广场周围观看。Those in Paris who could not get tickets will be able to watch the ceremony on 80 giant screens set up throughout the city.那些在巴黎未能买到门票的人,可以通过设置在全市各地的80块巨型屏幕观看开幕式。NEWS马龙和冯雨担任中国代表团旗手Table tennis superstar Ma Long and artistic swimming team captain Feng Yu have been selected as theflagbearersfor China at the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics, the country's delegation announced on Wednesday.中国代表团于周三宣布,乒乓球超级明星马龙和花样游泳队队长冯雨将担任2024年巴黎夏季奥运会开幕式的中国代表团旗手。The 35-year-old Ma is set to make his fourth Olympic appearance in the French capital, and will only compete in the men's team event at this edition.35岁的马龙即将在巴黎迎来自己的第四届奥运之旅,但这次他只参加乒乓球男子团体赛。大家一起期待正式的开幕式吧!今晚你准备熬夜吗?如何观看2024年巴黎奥运会的开幕式一、央视及旗下平台:作为中国最重要的电视媒体之一,中央电视台(CCTV)通常会直播奥运会开幕式及各项赛事。可以通过CCTV-5(体育频道)或央视新闻、央视频等新媒体平台观看。二、咪咕视频:中国移动咪咕成为中央广播电视总台2024年巴黎奥运会持权转播商。三、腾讯视频:6月19日,腾讯发布消息称,中央广播电视总台与腾讯就2024巴黎奥运会视频点播及短视频版权达成合作意向。重点词汇Olympics opening ceremony 奥运会开幕式the Seine River 塞纳河Olympic venues 奥运场馆breaking 霹雳舞the Eiffel tower 埃菲尔铁塔the Olympic torch 奥运火炬spectators n.(尤指体育比赛的)观看者,观众;旁观者flagbearer n.(仪式上的)举旗手这样背单词是不是感觉很easy?如果你想提高口语表达能力,快来Hitalk口语课堂和外教老师1v1对话,实景角色演练,让你学完自然说。制定你的口语1v1提升方案课程采用前言的场景体验式教学,为你提供1000+个场景,涵盖租车、问路、购物、酒店入住等场景,让你声临其境学到实用的口语表达。制定你的口语1v1提升方案


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